In case you are dealing with spasms and severe pain, you could be suffering from some kidney infection or kidney stones.
Skin Rash
The waste buildup in your body can be linked to kidney failure and this can cause rashes and itchy skin. If the kidneys can’t filter the blood and remove the waste build up your skin can look unhealthy, dry and irritated. Lotions and creams and cosmetics can ease up the situation a little bit, but don’t solve the problem which comes from the inside – IF the rash is directly caused by the kidney problems of course
If you experience swelling without any obvious reason it could be linked to damaged kidneys. As we already mentioned if the kidney’s function is compromised they could be unable to remove the waste build up leading to swelling in your face, hands, legs, feet and ankles.
Metallic Taste in The Mouth
Due to the waste deposits in the blood, a person may have bad breath or a changed taste in the mouth. In the case of severe kidney damage, the person may experience a great change in the taste of some foods, as well as poor appetite.
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