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Tragic accident left her without legs. That doesn’t stop her from becoming a champion swimmer

Image result for Tragic accident left her without legs. That doesn’t stop her from becoming a champion swimmer
As if growing up in poverty isn’t hard enough, Qian Hongyan had to amputate both of her legs due to a terrible accident that almost took her life at the age of four, according to Rumble. This type of adversity could hold some people back from living their fullest lift.
But not Qian. Qian never let anything hold her back and not only learned to get around on her own but became an award-winning swimmer.

Qian grew up in China and though her family was poor, they tried to give her the best life they could with what they had. After her amputation, Qian’s grandfather modified a basketball that Qian could use in place of her lower body. This gave her something to rest on.
She used the basketball and hand-held wooden blocks to “walk” around.

That’s how she earned the name, “the Basketball Girl.”
Qian was determined not to let her circumstances hold her back. Instead of focusing on the things that she couldn’t do, she focused on the things she could do.
Image result for Tragic accident left her without legs. That doesn’t stop her from becoming a champion swimmer
Qian was invited to join a swim team for disabled people in Yunnan, China called South of the Cloud. Learning to swim wasn’t easy for Qian because of where her amputation was, but she did it anyway. By the time Qian was 16-year-old she was swimming every single day to train for the Paralympics.

She went on to win the bronze medal in the London 2012 qualifying races, though she didn’t qualify. Still, Qian continued her training. Nothing could stop her. When she was 18-years-old she received a set of prosthesis legs at the China Rehabilitation Centre in Beijing.
Qian’s passion for swimming continued and she resumed her training after getting her new legs. Qian began winning medals left and right, including the 100m Breaststroke at the Yunnan Provincial Paralympic Games in 2014.
Qian’s story is an inspiration to all that teaches us anything is possible with enough determination and that no matter how tough things get, we should never ever give up. Learn more about Qian’s amazing story below.

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