If The Woman You Are With Even Has Half Of These Qualities, Marry Her - Welcome to 360 TrendingNEWS Updates


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If The Woman You Are With Even Has Half Of These Qualities, Marry Her

She’s your queen, marry her!
  1. She is much more intelligent than you are.
It’s always a plus to be dating a girl who is smarter than you are. The best kind of men know that they shouldn’t feel threatened or intimidated by dating a girl who is smarter than them. They know that this means they get to spend a lot of time learning from their partner about various aspects of life.

  1. Honesty is her best policy.
She never lies to you; not even to protect your feelings. She respects you enough to actually think that you deserve the truth at all times. She doesn’t think that you’re a child who needs to hide behind lies. She is more than willing to tell you the truth even when it’s uncomfortable.
  1. She maintains a healthy dose of optimism in life.
It can be tough to maintain a positive outlook on life in this modern age. There are just too many things to be down about. But that’s not an issue with her. Her positive vibrations are infectious. She always manages to uplift the people who are around her.

  1. She is willing to make compromises.
A girl who makes compromises in a relationship is a girl who is mature, realistic, smart, and secure about her own capabilities. She understands that relationships aren’t going to be one-sided. She understands that she’s going to have to make some room if she wants to accommodate you in her life.
  1. She makes you laugh, and she laughs at you.
She has a great sense of humor. That’s why you spend a huge bulk of your relationship just laughing it up. She’s always cracking jokes and being silly. She also laughs at your jokes to show you that she understands and appreciates your sense of humor as well.
  1. She is very open-minded.
An open-minded person is someone who is always open to learning; and most likely, someone who is much easier to get along with. If she’s open-minded, then that means she is incredibly tolerant of other peoples’ views, opinions, and perspectives even if they contradict her own. This bodes well for whenever you have disagreements or share different opinions on important matters. It means she’s going to listen to you.
  1. She is ambitious and goal-driven.
She has her own personal dreams and she will never settle for mediocrity. She somehow always finds the motivation to pursue excellence and she doesn’t shy away from getting her hands dirty. She is always willing to work hard to get what she wants. The best thing about this is that she also supports and pushes you to chase after your dreams.
  1. She doesn’t have any parental issues.
It can be tough dealing with people who have issues with their parents. Often, these people are emotionally damaged and they might even need some therapy. There is just too much baggage there that needs addressing. So if she has a great relationship with her family, then that means she knows how to foster a good family environment too.
  1. She is genuinely kind.
Genuinely kind people are a rarity these days; don’t let her go. She is the kind of person who would do the right thing just because it’s the right thing to do. She doesn’t expect any rewards for being nice, thoughtful, or generous. She just always chooses to stay on the right side of the moral compass.
  1. She remains cool and calm when you get into arguments.
She doesn’t let her emotions get the best of her. She is very analytical and she knows the right thing to say at all times. She is also very good at diffusing tense situations. That’s why it’s never a problem to get into an argument with her, because you know you always eventually find yourselves standing on common ground by the end of it.
  1. She can let loose and be silly when she’s around you.
She’s very serious when it comes to her work and her goals, but she can also let loose and just be silly whenever you’re together. She’s comfortable when she’s around you and she trusts you enough to not judge her when her wacky side starts to come out.
  1. She has a life outside of the relationship.
Her life is not defined by your relationship. She is a strong, independent, and accomplished human being who has more to her than just being your girlfriend. She has many passions and dreams that all shape who she is as a person.
  1. She understands that you’re a flawed individual.
She forgives you whenever you start screwing up because she knows that you are only human. She doesn’t hold you to unreasonable standards and she never sets unrealistic expectations for the relationship. She is also very patient and very understanding.
  1. She doesn’t carry any grudges with her.
There is just no baggage when it comes to her. Even when you have arguments, she never holds them against you. She is always willing to just move on and be mature about it. She doesn’t let pent up emotions pull her down.
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